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Kamarainih Life: My Mind In Christ
Kamarainih Life: My Mind In Christ

A reflection of the spirit of my mind. It is by the mind of each and every one of us to put on the likeness and image of God in Christ, which we are called to do. As this likeness of God was created in righteousness in the very beginning, so must we be righteous with the mind of Christ throughout knowing short time. For the sake of life in the darkness of knowing death, so life may persevere in the darkness and continue to shine in Christ. Yet it is a higher calling for life to come to know everlasting in what is Spirit, to be born again, in the Mind of God who is Spirit.

For the perseverance of life in darkness, and life forever more in the light of God. God saw that the light was good, so God separated the light from the darkness, for through the light came life, and sins are no longer remembered in the darkness of tree of knowledge of good and evil where life strife in the reality of knowing of life and death. Through the light of God our sins are forgotten by the forgiveness of Christ and in Him, is the tree of life, joy everlasting, where reality is of knowing everlasting in eternity.

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